11 August, 2008




Advisor: YB Dato Sri William Mawan Ikom
Organising Chairman: Professor Dr Mohd Syafiq Abdullah
Secretary: Mr Alexander Asing Sadai
Treasurer: Mr Peter Sawal
Tournament Director: Tuan Haji Abdul Jalil Bin Abdul Rahman
Prizes & Souvenirs: Mr Shahary Alias, Mr Harrison Lunsa
Reception & Protocol: Mr Ik Pahon Joyik
Sponsorship: Mr Vincent Tan
Tournament Logistic: Mr Bernard Lee Meng Hock
Secretariat: Mr Lester Simbas, Ms Shirlyena Kim Dupo

Name of Competition
Sarawak Inter-Community Golf 2008 (SICG 2008), YB Dato Sri William Mawan Championship Trophy.

Date & Venue
8th November, 2008
Kelab Golf Sarawak, Petra Jaya, Kuching

Rules of Competition
The competition will be held according to Rules of Amateur Status approved by the Royal and Ancient ( R&A )Golf of St. Andrews and local rules as described by the Organising Committee.

Eligibility & Participation
Any individual golfer 12 years old and above with a valid NHS handicap belonging to any ethnic group is eligible to participate and represent his/her ethnic group.

The appointed Captains from each ethnic group shall be responsible to ensure that players under the group are bona fide golfers of ethnic Malaysia origin. Contravention will result in the individual or team being disqualified.

The committee resolved that the competition shall be classified as a closed championship event.

Entries are limited to:

Community Gross Participants Nett Participants
i. Iban - 20
ii. Bidayuh
iii. Orang Ulu
iv. Malay
v. Chinese
vi. Melanau
vii. Invited Guests: 60 golfers (possible maximum of 76)

The championship will be decided by stroke play over 18 holes for all categories.

Team Event
Each team shall consist of 30 players from the same community whereby 10 players shall play under the Gross category with a valid NHS Handicap of 12 and below and 20 players shall play in the Nett category
With a valid NHS handicap of 13 to 24.

Gross Event
The 5 best Gross aggregate scores shall be the winning team.

The winner of the Gross Event shall be awarded the SICG 2008. YB Dato Sri William Mawan Championship Trophy.

Nett Event
The 10 best Nett aggregate scores shall be the winning team.

The winner of the Nett Event shall be awarded the SICG 2008. YB Dato Sri William Mawan Championship Trophy.

Individual Event
Gross category: The best 6 scores
Nett category: The best 6 scores

Invitation and VIP category
This category is open to invited individual and the format of play is based on Stable System 36.

The SICG 2008, YB Dato Sri Willaim Mawan Championship Trophy will comprise of 2 trophies, one each for Gross and Nett winning teams

Gross Team Prize
1 (one) team prize only whereby all team members of the winning team shall receive a trophy each.

The winning Team will be awarded the SICG. YB Dato Sri Willaim Mawan Championship Trophy – Gross Champion.

Nett Team Prize
1 (one) team prize only whereby all team members of the winning team shall receive a trophy each.

The winning Team will be awarded the SICG. YB Dato Sri Willaim Mawan Championship Trophy – Nett Champion.

Individual Prizes
Gross category – 6 prizes ( 1st till 6th )
Nett category – 6 prizes ( 1st till 6th )

Invitation Prizes
10 prizes ( 1st till 10th )

Novelty Prizes
a. Nearest the pin and line ( All categories on Matang/Santubong/Demak/Siol ) – 1 prize each.
b. RM10,000.00 for hole-in-one prizes. The designated holes are one par-3 each for each line i.e Matang, Santubong, Demak and Siol. In the event of more than one winner the prize shall be divided equally.

Note: Members of winning teams are eligible for individual prizes. All participant shall be eligible for Novelty prizes and individual events.

Shot-gun starts at 7.45 AM. The player should arrive at the respective teeing grounds 10 minutes before the starting time.

If the player arrives at his starting point, ready to play, within 5 minutes after his starting time, in the absence of circumstances which warrant waiving the penalty or disqualification as provided in Rule 33-7, the penalty for failure to start on time is 2 strokes. Penalty for lateness beyond 5 minutes is DISQUALIFICATION.

Saturday 8th November, 2008
a. Gross and Invitation categories will tee-off at Matang/Santubong courses.
b. Nett category will tee-off at Siol/Demak courses.

Deciding Ties
In the event of a tie, the tie shall be decided by a count back ( OCB ) system of matching score cards in the following order:
a. Last 9, 6, 3 holes and finally the last hole ( for individual category only )
b. If the tie is still undecided, then it shall be decided by lot. ( For individual category only ).
c. For the team event the lowest aggregate scores shall be used. In the event of a tie the lowest aggregate scores of the best 3 scores shall be used.

Serious Breach of Etiquette
A penalty of DISQUALIFICATION under Rule 33-7 will be imposed if the committee determines that a player has committed “serious breach of etiquette” as follows:
a. Use of hand phone or other means during a stipulated round to disturb or distract other players.
b. Verbal abuse of fellow competitors, officials or staff.
c. Other unbecoming conduct or behavior.

Discipline and Etiquette
The failure of any team to attend the prize presentation ceremony will forfeit their prizes.

Participation Fee
The committee had agreed to increase the entrance fee from RM100 to RM150 for each participant whereby the additional RM50 shall be donated to various charitable bodies.

Management of Championship
The SICG Championship shall be managed by the Tournament Committee whose decisions in all matters relating to the championship shall be final.


6.30 am – 7.10 am: Arrival of Guests and Participants / Registration
7.15 am: Official Launching of the Tournament by YB Dato Sri Willaim Mawan Ikom, Minister of Social Development & Urbanization
7.30 am: Proceed to the designated holes
7.45 am: Tee-Off Shotgun Starts
1.30 am: Prize Giving Lunch at KGS Chinese Restaurant

1.30 AM: Arrival of Guests and Participants
1.45 am: Introduction by the MC
1.50 am: Lunch Served / Live Band Entertainment
2.30 am: Welcoming Speech by the Organising Chairman Prof Dr Mohd Syafiq
2.40 am: Speech by YB Dato Sri Willaim Mawan Ikom, Minister of Social Development and Urbanization
3.00 am: Prize Giving
3.30 am: Function ends